
Side effects of fast food and junk food

4 minute read


Food is a basic human need. Not just-food. The right to a healthy diet has been declared a fundamental human right by the United Nations. Unfortunately, with the hectic pace of life, many people have changed their focus on food. This does not mean not eating. People who used to prepare and eat a healthy meal at home can easily buy fast food as well as from shops due to lack of time. That is why we are constantly faced with the question of whether the present generation is healthy and what their future health will be. Let's read about the side effects of fast food and snacks. Let's read, take it in stride and try our best to avoid it.

1. Obesity

This is really a very simple matter. Because of the high starch and fat content of junk food, people who eat them easily become obese. Obesity does not mean gaining one or two pounds. Excess weight without proper weight level. Being fat like this is very ugly in appearance. But it can lead to serious health risks beyond that. Earlier in this article, we talked about the problems caused by obesity as well as the correct BMI. You can learn more about this by reading Eve.

2. Memory problems

Foods high in sugar and fat interfere with the brain's memory-related processes. Chemical reactions to these foods can cause problems in the hippocampus region of the brain associated with memory. Also, the high-calorie content of these foods interferes with the brain's learning and memory synapses.

3. Digestive problems

When eating fast food and snacks, the excess fat in them interferes with the brain's ability to recognize the amount of food it has eaten and the amount of your hunger. As a result, we tend to consume more food than we need. These foods are difficult to digest during the normal digestive process. It is not good for the liver at all. So there are problems with the digestive system. It is also a cause of obesity. Also, no matter how much food you eat, your stomach will be full and it will not contain the nutrients needed for brain function, which can lead to problems such as memory problems.

4. Respiratory system related problems

Being overweight increases the pressure on the heart and lungs. This is why obese people feel extremely tired and short of breath, even from very short activities, such as walking a few feet or climbing stairs. This can lead to chronic asthma.

5. Problems related to growth

No matter how much you eat these high-sugar, high-fat, high-calorie foods, the body does not get the nutrients it needs to grow, such as omega-3s and vitamins. This condition is especially dangerous for young children. The body does not seem to grow as big as it should. But outwardly it seems to get bigger quickly. This is why organ problems later arise.

6. Reproductive system related problems

High-sugar, high-fat foods prepared in fast foods and shops contain a chemical called phthalates. Phthalates are harmful chemicals that can alter the way hormones work in the body. Reactions caused by these phthalates can alter hormonal activity and cause problems with the reproductive system. That is, diseases such as PCOS, which are associated with the reproductive system with hormonal effects. Not only that, children born with this condition have the potential to become children with various birth defects.

7. Mental problems

Not just for the body. This breach is also harmful to the mind. The mind also becomes ill due to the adverse effects on the body. As mentioned earlier, consuming too much of the food produced in these shops changes the chemical composition of the brain. This change makes us more and more addicted to this instant junk. That is why it is difficult to get rid of those who are used to breaking. Because of this, and because of changes in the body's hormone levels, there is a high risk of developing long-term depression.

To avoid all of these side effects, you need to get used to a healthy diet. The effect of food on our bodies and mind is not insignificant. So let's talk about how to get used to a healthy diet another day.
