
What you need to know about dieting

4 minute read


These days, boys and girls look at not only their eyes but also their mouths when they see the word diet. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. No, no, this is not about another diet plan. Plan and learn about the diet from the beginning to the end.


1. What is this diet?

Diet is simply about controlling what we eat and drink on a daily basis with a purpose. Control means good governance. It's not just about not eating and drinking. As mentioned earlier, the biggest goal of dieting today is to lose weight and build a slim figure. So, rather than control, try to get fit without eating or drinking. That's why I'm going to tell you things you don't know about diet. Kataragama if you know, half way if you don't know. The same goes for diet.

2. Diet History

This has a great history story as well. The first person to talk about the Diet was a Western doctor named George. It was not until 1724 that he began to talk about it publicly because of his own weight and the lack of meat, milk, and vegetables only to regain the required weight.

3. Do you diet only to lose weight?

Here is another misconception in society about diet. Dieting is not just about losing weight. Dietary goals include not only weight loss, but also weight gain and maintenance. Isn't it amazing to be told to diet to gain weight? However, the story is true. The word diet has so far been misunderstood.

And not only that. There are other reasons to diet. This diet is also used to control diabetes, migraine, liver related diseases and some uterine related diseases.

However, from here on out we will talk about the diet that everyone knows to lose weight.

4. World Famous Diet Plans

There are plenty of common diets that the average person can do without health problems. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use to create great content. Atkins Diet, Zone Diet, Paleo Diet, Ketogenic Diet, South Beach Diet, GM Diet are some of the most common diet plans available on the internet.

5. Side effects of wrong diet

Although it is a popular topic, dieting is not something that can be done at will. The best way is to consult a dietitian or a doctor who is on a diet for whatever reason. Even if you do not have any health problems, it is very important to follow an accepted diet plan without eating or drinking on purpose. Arbitrary reduction of food intake and non-consumption can deprive the body of essential nutrients such as protein and carbohydrates. Wrong diets have both short-term and long-term side effects. In the short term, there is a risk of losing the energy the body needs to function on a daily basis, as well as diseases such as gastritis and migraine. The long-term side effects are worse than you think. It can lead to heart disease, osteoporosis and some cancers. Therefore, it is a good idea to think twice before dieting.

6. How to diet without getting into trouble

Now, the details beyond this are important for those who have thought about what they said earlier and are on a proper diet.

First of all, before following a diet plan, you need to have an idea about your body. There may be diseases that we do not know about. See a family doctor and do some basic tests like sugar and cholesterol and get advice from your doctor about dieting. Also check your BMI, that is, your weight according to your height. Determine the amount of weight you need to lose according to that BMI.

Now imagine the amount of weight… but what if it is too much to reduce in one go? So divide the number you want to reduce into practical parts. If all 10 kilos, make about 3 or 4 kilos a month.

Now that you have done all that, you have to choose a diet plan that suits you. Like I said before, we are not talking about diet plans. You can choose an accepted diet plan of your choice. Somehow there are a few important things to do in the meantime to remind you.

Keep a weightlifting record when dieting. It's a great way to get results and get motivated. And drink as much water as you can. It avoids unwanted meals and avoids side effects such as gastritis.

7. Is it only when you diet?

If you are thinking of losing weight only from diet, it is not a good idea. If not, do not. But the results were not successful. If you want to build a dreamy slim and fit body, you have to exercise along with your diet. The correct method is to lose 75% of the weight from the diet and the remaining 25% through exercise.
