
Sleep and taste stories about us

3 minute read


We who live the life of Kaiyang Baiyong Doyyan need not say anything strange about sleep. It is sad to think of our lives being jealous of the childhood of children who are jealous of even the cats who are asleep in the morning and who are torturing their mothers to sleep, waiting for the holidays to come. However, I have to write about this. Because we crave that sleep.

1. The original story of sleep

We get two main naps a day. One of them is to have an informal lunch after breakfast. This happens neatly at home. Why doesn't it happen so neatly on the office desk? The other is main sleep. Some go to sleep with their eyes open. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Why do we sleep as a country? Working people go to work and get sick without thinking about sleep. There is a very vicious cycle going on in that direction.

2. Bus sleep

Here's the main story. Only then will you be able to sleep without breaking your neck. Some are waiting for the conductor to come and get some money and go to bed. Some sleep because they have to pay money. The biggest obstacle to sleeping on the bus is the cochlear impulse of the driver's favorite music. Bus sleep is best when there is traffic. Train sleep is best enjoyed while cycling.

3. Office sleep

Office sleep is terrible. Some sleep with their hands on their hips as if looking at a computer. With some roaring in the office. For some, the line sings across the monitor when they fall asleep on the keyboard and wake up. Some sleep with their pillows on their bottle or keyboard. Office sleep is set between two and three-thirty in the afternoon. There must be plenty to wake up to at that time.

4. Strange sleep

This is the strange story of sleep. Some of the lucky ones fell asleep but some did not. Can't sleep at night. Can't wake up in the morning. No position is comfortable when sleeping at night. In the morning I go to sleep on the iron pillow. Because of this, some people wake up at two or three in the morning and go to bed at eight or nine. Also, if they want to wake up at six in the morning, they go to bed at night and do not sleep for two hours.

5. The moment before bed

The moments before bedtime are different from each other. Like I said before, some people fall late. Some read books. Some people watch blue movies. Some are wondering where we got screwed. Others wonder if they will die tomorrow.

6. Sleep and a little water

There is a bond between sleep and a little water, like there is between arrack and soda. Here you are dreaming you are going to the toilet. Open the zip and drain a little freely. Little by little you feel that your legs are getting wet. It's too late now. This is done by the brain. Because sleep is important to you, your brain will soothe the weight of your urine in a dream so that you do not fall asleep. But it stops peeing on the bed.

7. Growl

This is about pulling the strings. This is by far the most disliked reminder of the boys on board. There are some buffaloes who wear satin quilts. Cross prices. Some have short stems like atria. There are more trumpets. Being with a green set is like having a flashback to Vegetable Night.
